Sms / Funny


Mr. Bean And Johny Lever

Mr. Bean and Johny Lever have decided to retired from comedy, because Altaf Hussain made their market down!

· 1 Like · Sep 26, 2011 at 17:09
Category: funny Tags: Mr. bean
Sms / Funny


Mr. Bean And Altaf Hussain

Mr. Bean went to the Guinness Book's Office to Check If he's Still the No. 1 Comedian.

He Came Out Angrily Shouting

"Who's Altaf Hussain?" :D...

· 2 Like · Sep 15, 2011 at 18:09
Category: funny Tags: Altaf hussain Mr. bean
Feet Mehndi
Posted by maryam rauf
Posted on : Sep 18, 2015

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