Sms / Love


A bereaved woman goes into a funeral home to make
arrangements for her
husband-s funeral. She tells the director that she
wants her husband to be
buried in a dark blue suit. He asks, ""Wouldn-t it just
be easier to bury
him in the black suit that he-s wearing?""

""No,"" she insists. ""My husband wanted it to be a blue
suit."" She then gives him a blank
check to buy one. When she comes back for the wake,
she sees her husband
in the coffin and he is wearing a beautiful blue suit.
She tells the
director, "" Thank You, that is absolutely perfect! I
love it! How much did it cost?""

He says, ""Actually, it didn-t cost anything. The
funniest thing happened.
As soon as you left, another man was brought in, this
one wearing a dark
blue suit. I noticed that they were about the same
size, and asked the
other widow if she would mind if her husband were
buried in a black suit.
She said that was fine with her. So, I switched the

· 1 Like · Apr 17, 2007 at 02:04
Category: love

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