declare Urdu Meaning
Declare - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Declare (اعلان - elaan), Total 4 meanings for Declare , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Declare , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
حکم لگانا
hukum lagana
ظاہر کرنا
zahir karna
اعلان کرنا
elaan karna
اقرار کرنا
iqraar karna
Declare (2001) is a supernatural spy novel by American author Tim Powers. The novel presents a secret history of the Cold War, and earned several major fantasy fiction awards.
Synonyms acknowledge advance advocate affirm allege announce argue assert asseverate attest aver avow be positive blaze bring forward certify cite claim confess confirm contend convey demonstrate disclose enunciate give out inform insist maintain manifest notify pass proclaim profess pronounce propound publish put forward reaffirm reassert render repeat reveal set forth show sound state stress swear tell testify validate vouch
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