move Urdu Meaning

Move - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Move (حرکت - harkat), Total 9 meanings for Move , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Move , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

حرکت دینا

harkat dena



تحریک کرنا

tehreek karna



اشتعال دینا

ishtial dena

خفا کرنا

khafa karna

راغب کرنا

raghib karna

پیش کرنا

paish karna

آمادہ کرنا

amada karna

Classic Urdu Dictionary

English to Urdu Dictionary




English definition for move

1. n. the act of deciding to do something

2. n. (game) a player's turn to take some action permitted by the rules of the game

3. n. the act of changing your residence or place of business

4. n. the act of changing location from one place to another

5. n. a change of position that does not entail a change of location

6. v. be in a state of action

7. v. go or proceed from one point to another

8. v. progress by being changed

9. v. propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting

10. v. have a turn; make one's move in a game

11. v. give an incentive for action

12. v. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon

13. v. arouse sympathy or compassion in

14. v. move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion

15. v. change location; move, travel, or proceed

16. v. cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense

17. v. change residence, affiliation, or place of employment

18. v. dispose of by selling

19. v. perform an action, or work out or perform (an action)

20. v. follow a procedure or take a course

21. v. live one's life in a specified environment

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MOVE is a Philadelphia-based black liberation group founded by John Africa (born Vincent Leaphart) in 1972. The group lives communally and frequently engages in public demonstrations against racism, police brutality, and other issues.
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