camber Urdu Meaning

Camber - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Camber , English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

کسی اوپری سطح کا محدب


جیسے عرشہ جہاز یا شہتیر کا محدب



English definition for camber

1. n. the alignment of the wheels of a motor vehicle closer together at the bottom than at the top

2. n. a slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force

3. n. a slight convexity (as of the surface of a road)

4. v. curve upward in the middle

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Camber may refer to a variety of curvatures and angles:
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