straight Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for straight


1 سڌی رخ ۾:

Look straight in front of you

پنھنجی سامھون بلڪل سڌ ۾ ڍسو۔

2 سڌو سنئون؛

بنا بیھڻ یا بنا ڪنھن ٻئی ڪم ڪرڻ جی:

Come straight home

سڌو گھر اچجانءِ؛

She walked straight past me

ھوءَ بنا بیھڻ جی مون وٽان لنگھی وئی۔

straight away

فوراً۔ ھاڻی جوھا ڻی، ھینئر ئی:

I'll do it straight away

آئون ھیءٍ ڪم ھاڻی جو ھاڻی ڪریان ٿو۔

straight on


ورڻ یا لڙڻ کاسواءِ:

Go straight on until you come to the bank, then turn left

بلڪل سڌو وڃو ایستائین جو بینڪ اچی وڃی، پوءِ کاٻی پاسی لڙی وڃجو۔


1 بنا وڪڙ جی، اڻ وریل، اڻ مٍڙیل:

Use a ruler to draw a straight line

سڌی لیڪ ڪڍڻ لاءِ رولر یا فٽ پٽی استعمال ڪریو.

2 سڌو؛

جنھن جا ٻئی ڇیڙا ھڪڙیءَ ئی سڌائیءَ ۾ ھجن:

This picture isn't straight

ھیءَ تصویر سڌی ناھی۔

get something straight

پڪ ڪرڻ ته ڳالھه مڪمل طور سمجھی ویئی آھی:

Let's get this straight. Are you sure you left your bike by the


پھرین ھیءَ ڳالھه چِٽی ٿئی، ڇا توکی یقین آھی ته تو پنھنجی سائیڪل سئنیما وٽ ڇڍی ھئی؟

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for straight

1. a. having no deviations

2. a. free from curves or angles

3. a. no longer coiled

4. a. characterized by honesty and fairness

5. a. (of hair) having no waves or curls

6. n. a straight segment of a roadway or racecourse

7. n. a poker hand with 5 consecutive cards (regardless of suit)

8. n. a heterosexual person; someone having a sexual orientation to persons of the opposite sex

9. r. without deviation

10. r. in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly

11. r. in a straight line; in a direct course

12. s. not homosexual

13. s. erect in posture

14. s. neatly arranged; not disorderly

15. s. right; in keeping with the facts

16. s. successive (without a break)

17. s. rigidly conventional or old-fashioned

18. s. following a correct or logical method

19. s. without water

20. s. without evasion or compromise

21. s. accurately fitted; level


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