slide Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for slide

1 ترڪڻ، جنھن تی ٻار ترڪندا آھن۔

2 ننڍڙی تصویر جنھن کی projector (پروجیڪٽر) وسیلی screen (اسڪرین) تی ڍیکاریندا آھن۔

گسڪڻ، ترڪڻ، سرڪڻ؛

گسڪی پری تائین وڃڻ:

She fell and slid along the ice

ھوءَ ڪری پئی ۽ برف تی گسڪندی وئی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for slide

1. n. the act of moving smoothly along a surface while remaining in contact with it

2. n. sloping channel through which things can descend

3. n. a transparency mounted in a frame; viewed with a slide projector

4. n. a small flat rectangular piece of glass on which specimens can be mounted for microscopic study

5. n. plaything consisting of a sloping chute down which children can slide

6. n. (music) rapid sliding up or down the musical scale

7. n. (geology) the descent of a large mass of earth or rocks or snow etc.

8. v. move obliquely or sideways, usually in an uncontrolled manner

9. v. to pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly

10. v. move smoothly along a surface


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