show Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for show

1 شو، جیڪو ٿئیٽر یا ٽیلیویزن تی ڍسجی:

a comedy show

مزاحیه شو؛

?Did you enjoy the show

ڇا توکی شو پسند آیو۔

2 نمائش، ماڻھن کی ڍیکارڻ لاءِ ھڪ جاءِ تی رکیل شیون:

a flower show

گلن جی نمائش۔

on show

نمائش لاءِ رکیل:

The painting are on show at the National Gallery until 15 May

نیشنل گئلری ۾ پندرھین مئی تائین تصویرون نمائش لاءِ رکیل آھن۔

ڍیکارڻ، ظاھر ڪرڻ:

1 ڍیکارڻ:

She showed me her holiday photos

ھن مون کی پنھنجون تفریحی موڪلن جون تصویرون ڍیکاریون؛

You have to show your ticket on the train

توکی ریل تی پنھنجی ٽڪیٽ ڍیکارڻی پوندی۔

2 واضح ڪرڻ، وضاحت سان ٻڌائڻ:

?Can you show me how to use the computer

ڇا تون مون کی ٻڌائی سگھین ٿو ته ڪمپیوٽر ڪیئن استعمال ڪجی؟

3 ظاھر ٿیڻ، ڍیکاری ڍیڻ:

The anger showed in his face

ھن جی چھری تی ڪاوڙ نظر اچی رھی ھئی۔

show off

ڊاڙ ھڻڻ یا اھڙی بیھود حرڪت ڪرڻ جنھن جو ماڻھو نوٽیس وٺن:

Juyce drove her new car very fast to show off

جوائس رڳو ڍیکارڻ خاطر پنھنجی نئین موٽرڪار تیزیءَ سان ھلائی۔

show up

اچڻ، جاءِ تی پھچڻ، شڪل ڍیکارڻ:

?What time did they show up

اھی ڪھڙی وقت آیا؟

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary










English definition for show

1. n. the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining

2. n. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression

3. n. a social event involving a public performance or entertainment

4. n. something intended to communicate a particular impression

5. v. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment

6. v. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments

7. v. give evidence of, as of records

8. v. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively

9. v. give expression to

10. v. provide evidence for

11. v. finish third or better in a horse or dog race

12. v. show in, or as in, a picture

13. v. show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums

14. v. make visible or noticeable

15. v. be or become visible or noticeable

16. v. make clear and visible

17. v. show or demonstrate something to an interested audience


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