mix Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for mix

ملائڻ، گڍڻ:

1 مختلف شیون ملائی ڪا نئین شَیٔ ٺاھڻ:

Mix yellow and blue paint together to make green

سائو رنگ ٺاھڻ لاءِ پیلو ۽ نیرو رنگ ملایو۔

2 گڍڻ، ملائڻ؛

ڪا نئین شَیٔ ٺاھڻ لاءِ مختلف شیون ملائڻ:

Oil and water don't mix

تیل ۽ پاڻی پاڻ ۾ نه ٿا ملن۔

3 ماڻھن سان رلی ملی وڃڻ:

mix up

منجھائی ڇڍڻ، ھڪ جو ٻیو سمجھڻ:

1 ھڪ شَیٔ یا شخص کی ٻی شَیٔ یا ٻیو شخص سمجھڻ:

2 شین کی گڍائی ڇڍڻ:

!Don't mix up my papers

منھنجا ڪاغذ پٽ ٻین سان گڍی نه ڇڍ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for mix

1. n. the act of mixing together

2. n. an event that combines things in a mixture

3. n. a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients

4. v. add as an additional element or part

5. v. mix together different elements

6. v. combine (electronic signals)

7. v. mix so as to make a random order or arrangement

8. v. to bring or combine together or with something else

9. v. open (a place) to members of all races and ethnic groups

All in One

MIX is a hypothetical computer used in Donald Knuth's monograph, The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP).
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