material Persian Dictionary

Farsi/Persian Dictionary

English to Farsi/Persian Dictionary






English definition for material

1. a. having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary

2. a. derived from or composed of matter

3. a. having material or physical form or substance

4. a. directly relevant to a matter especially a law case

5. n. artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers

6. n. things needed for doing or making something

7. n. information (data or ideas or observations) that can be used or reworked into a finished form

8. n. a person judged suitable for admission or employment

9. n. the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object

10. s. concerned with or affecting physical as distinct from intellectual or psychological well-being

11. s. concerned with worldly rather than spiritual interests

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Material is a broad term for a (chemical) substance or mixture of substances that constitute a thing.
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