make Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for make

ڪا شَیٔ ٺاھیندڙ ڪارخانی یا ڪمپنیءَ جو نالو:

'What make is your car?' 'It's a Ford'

”تنھنجی ڪار ڪھڙیءَ ڪمپنیءَ جی آھی؟“ ”اھا فورڊ آھی“۔

جوڙڻ، ٺاھڻ، تیار ڪرڻ:

1 ڪیترین شین کی ملائی نئین شَیٔ ٺاھڻ:

They make cars in that factory

ھو ھن ڪارخانی ۾ ڪارون ٺاھیندا آھن۔

2 ڪنھن ڳالھه جو ٿیڻ یا پیش اچڻ، ڪا شَیٔ ٺاھڻ:

The plane made a loud noise when it landed

ھوائی جھاز زمین تی لھڻ مھل ڍاڍو گوڙ ڪیو۔

3 ڪنھن کی مجبور ڪرڻ:

My father made me stay at home

منھنجی پیءٍ مون کی گھر ۾ رھڻ تی مجبور ڪیو۔

4 پئسن ڍوڪڙن، عددن ۽ وقت لاءِ استعمال ڪیو ویندڙ لفظ:

She makes a lot of money

ھوءَ ججھا پئسا ڪمائی ٿی۔

5 عھدو یا نوڪری ڍیڻ:

They made him President

ھنن کیس صدر بڻایو۔

6 ڪیڍانھن وڃڻ جی قابل ھئڻ:

I'm sorry, but I can't make the meeting on Friday

آئون معافی گھران ٿو پر جمعی تی آئون گڍجاڻیءَ ۾ نه ٿو اچی سگھان۔

make do with something

ڪنھن شَیٔ مان مڙئی ڪم ڪڍڻ؛

سٺی شَیٔ نه ملڻ ڪری گھٽ سٺی شَیٔ مان ڪم ٽپائڻ۔

make something into something

شَیٔ کی اھڙیءَ طرح تبدیل ڪرڻ جو اھا بلڪل مختلف شَیٔ ٺھی وڃی:

They made the bedroom into an office

ھنن سمھڻ واری ڪمری کی آفیس ڪری ڇڍیو۔

make out

ڪجھه منجھیل ڳالھه کی ڍسی یا سمجھی وٺڻ؛

It was dark and I coudn't make out the words on the sign

اوندھه ھئی ۽ آئون سائن تی لکیل لفظ نه ڍسی سگھیس۔

make up

ڳالھه گھڙڻ:

1 اھڙی ڳالھه ڪرڻ جیڪا سچ نه ھجی:

!Nobody believes that story - he made it up

ڪنھن به ھن جی قصی تی یقین نه ڪیو ڇو ته ھن ھٿ ٺوڪیو ڪصو ٻڌایو ھو۔

2 ڪنھن سان جھیڙو ختم ڪرڻ:

Jane and Tom had an argument last week, but they've made up now

گذریل ھفتی جین ۽ ٽام ۾ ڍند چڪ (تڪرار) ٿیا ھا پر ھاڻی ٻئی ٺھی ویا آھن۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for make

1. n. the act of mixing cards haphazardly

2. n. a recognizable kind

3. v. act in a certain way so as to acquire

4. v. eliminate urine

5. v. have a bowel movement

6. v. behave in a certain way

7. v. give certain properties to something

8. v. put in order or neaten

9. v. develop into

10. v. change from one form into another

11. v. favor the development of

12. v. cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable

13. v. institute, enact, or establish

14. v. calculate as being

15. v. consider as being

16. v. make, formulate, or derive in the mind

17. v. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner

18. v. represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like

19. v. assure the success of

20. v. induce to have sex

21. v. make or cause to be or to become

22. v. create or design, often in a certain way

23. v. create or manufacture a man-made product

24. v. create by artistic means

25. v. give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally

26. v. compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way

27. v. make by shaping or bringing together constituents

28. v. make by combining materials and parts

29. v. prepare for eating by applying heat

30. v. organize or be responsible for

31. v. gather and light the materials for

32. v. perform or carry out

33. v. reach a destination, either real or abstract

34. v. reach in time

35. v. reach a goal, e.g.,

36. v. proceed along a path

37. v. head into a specified direction

38. v. appear to begin an activity

39. v. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages

40. v. achieve a point or goal

41. v. charge with a function; charge to be

42. v. engage in

43. v. carry out or commit

44. v. form by assembling individuals or constituents

45. v. constitute the essence of

46. v. to compose or represent:

47. v. amount to

48. v. be or be capable of being changed or made into

49. v. add up to

50. v. be suitable for

51. v. undergo fabrication or creation

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