jam Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for jam


یا ڀیڙا ڍیڻ م ڪٍسڻ :

1 سوڙھه ۾ کنھن شَیٔ کی دٻائی ڀرڻ :

She jammed all her clothes into a suitcase

ھٍن پنھنجا سمورا کپڙا ھک سوٽ کیس ۾ دٻائی ڀریا۔

2 ڦاسجی پوڻ :

i cand't open the window. It's jammed

آئون دری کولی نٿو سگھان اٍھاڦاسی پئی آھی۔

جام ، موبو ، میون ۽ کنڊ مان اھیل گھاٽو مٺاڻ جیکو ڊبل روٽی ءَ تی لڳائی کائبو آھی :

A far of strawberry jam

اسٽر ابری جی مربی جی برنی ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for jam

1. n. deliberate radiation or reflection of electromagnetic energy for the purpose of disrupting enemy use of electronic devices or systems

2. n. preserve of crushed fruit

3. n. a dense crowd of people

4. n. informal terms for a difficult situation

5. v. interfere with or prevent the reception of signals

6. v. block passage through

7. v. crush or bruise

8. v. crowd or pack to capacity

9. v. get stuck and immobilized

10. v. push down forcibly

11. v. press tightly together or cram


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