guarantee Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for guarantee

1 ضمایت ڍیڻ گارنٽی ڍیڻ ، گراھک کی خاطری ڍیڻ ته جیکا شیٔ ھٍن خرید کئی آھی خراب ٿی ته مرمت کری ڍیندا یا اٍن جی بدلی نئین ۽یندا:

The television is guaranteed for three years

ھِن ٽیلیو یزن جی ٽی سال گارنٽی آھی ۔

2 واعدو کرڻ :

I can't guarantee that I will be able to help you but I'll try

آئون ضمانت نٿو ڍیئی سگھان ته تنھنجی مدد کری سگھندس ، پر کو شش کندس ۔

ضمانت، گارنٽی :

1 کاغذ تی درج خاص واعدو ته توھان جی خرید کیل شیٔ خراب ھئڻ جی صَرت ۾ کمپنی اٍھاٺاھی یا بدلائی ڍیندی :

This watch has a two - year guarantee

ھِن گھڙیءَ جی ٻه سال گار نٽی آھی ،

2 پِک، خاطری ، واعدو ته کم کیو ویندو :

I want a guarantee that you will do the work to day

مونکی اِن ڳالھه جی ضمانت گھر جی ته تو ھان جِیءڳ کم اڄ ئی کندا ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for guarantee

1. n. a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications

2. n. a pledge that something will happen or that something is true

3. n. a collateral agreement to answer for the debt of another in case that person defaults

4. v. promise to do or accomplish

5. v. give surety or assume responsibility

6. v. make certain of

7. v. stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of

All in One

Guarantee is a legal term more comprehensive and of higher import than either warranty or "security". It most commonly designates a private transaction by means of which one person, to obtain some trust, confidence or credit for another, engages to be answerable for him.
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