ask Punjabi Meaning

Punjabi Dictionary

Punjabi Meaning for ask

to, v.t. 1. To ask a question. Sawal karna; puchchna; 2. To ask a riddle. Paheli pauni;bujarat bujjhna; 3. To make a request. Mangna; darkhast karni ; arz karni sawal karn; 4. To ask after health. Di surt laina; da pata karna;

Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary

English to Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary




English definition for ask

1. v. make a request or demand for something to somebody

2. v. consider obligatory; request and expect

3. v. inquire about

4. v. direct or put; seek an answer to

5. v. address a question to and expect an answer from

6. v. require or ask for as a price or condition

7. v. require as useful, just, or proper

All in One

The active verb for a direct (interpersonal) question, (i.e. "to ask," "[they] asked," "[are] asking").
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