docetism Urdu Meaning

Docetism - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Docetism (عقیدہ عدمِ بشریت - ), Total 1 meaning for Docetism , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Docetism , English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

عقیدہ عدمِ بشریت

aqeedah adam bashriyat


English definition for docetism

1. n. the heretical doctrine (associated with the Gnostics) that Jesus had no human body and his sufferings and death on the cross were apparent rather than real

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In Christian terminology, docetism (from the Greek δοκεῖν/δόκησις dokeĩn (to seem) dókēsis (apparition, phantom), according to Norbert Brox, is defined narrowly as "the doctrine according to which the phenomenon of Christ, his historical and bodily existence, and thus above all the human form of Jesus, was altogether mere semblance without any true reality." Broadly it is taken as the belief that Jesus only seemed to be human, and that his human form was an illusion.
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