word Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for word

1 (pl. words) لفظ، وات مان نڪرندڙ آواز جیڪو لکجی ۽ ان مان ڪو مطلب نڪری:

?'What's the French word for 'dog

فرینچ ۾ ”ڪتی“ لاءِ ڪھڙو لفظ آھی؟؛

?Do you know the words of this song

ڇا توھان ان گیت جا ٻول ڄاڻو ٿا؟

2 (.no pl) وچن، واعدو:

She gave me her word that she wouldn't tell anyone

ھن مون سان واعدو ڪیو ته ھوءَ ڪنھن ٻئی کی نه ٻڌائیندی۔

have a word with somebody

ڪنھن سان ڳالھه ڪرڻ:

?Can I have a word with you

ڇا مان توسان ڪجھه ڳالھائی سگھان ٿو؟

in other words

ٻین لفظن ۾، ساڳی ڳالھه کی ٻین لفظن ۾ چوڻ:

!Joe doesn't like hard work - in other words with, he's lazy

جَو کی محنت پسند ناھی، ٻین لفظن ۾ ھو سست آھی!

keep your word

واعدو نِڀائڻ، اھو ڪرڻ جنھن جو واعدو ڪیو ویو ھجی:

Claire said she would come, and she kept her word

ڪلیئر چیو ھو ته ھوءَ ایندی ۽ ھن پنھنجو واعدو پورو ڪیو۔

take somebody's word for it

ڪنھن جی ڳالھه یا زبان تی یقین ڪرڻ:

word for word

اکر بَه اکر، لفظ بَه لفظ، بلڪل ساڳیا لفظ استعمال ڪرڻ:

Ian repeated word for word what you told him

آئن اکر بَه اکر اھوئی ورجایو جیڪو تو ھن کی چیو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary








English definition for word

1. n. a unit of language that native speakers can identify

2. n. the sacred writings of the Christian religions

3. n. new information about specific and timely events

4. n. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group

5. n. a brief statement

6. n. an exchange of views on some topic

7. n. a verbal command for action

8. n. a promise

9. n. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus)

10. n. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory

11. v. put into words or an expression

All in One

In linguistics, a word is the smallest element that may be uttered in isolation with semantic or pragmatic content (with literal or practical meaning).
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