truly Meaning and Definition

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

ایمانداری سے

imandari say

نمک حلالی سے

namak halali say

حقیقی طور پر

haqeeqi tour par

ٹھیک ٹھیک

theek theek

سچ سچ

sach sach

خط کے آخر میں آپ کا مخلص

khat kay aakhir mein aap ka mukhlis

Pakistan's Local Languages

English definition of word truly in Pakistan's Local Languages

سچی مچی

جاو راست

سچھ پچھ/واقعی

پہ رشتیا

سچی مچی




English definition for truly

1. r. in accordance with truth or fact or reality

2. r. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers)

3. r. by right

4. r. with sincerity; without pretense

All in One

Truly is an American rock band formed in the wake of the grunge era. It featured singer-guitarist Robert Roth, bassist Hiro Yamamoto, and drummer Mark Pickerel.
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