trap Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for trap

ڦاسائڻ، ڦاسی پوڻ، ڪوڙڪی یا ڄار وڇائڻ، دوکی سان ڦاسائڻ:

1 ڪنھن کی اھڙی ھنڌ رکڻ جتان ھو ڀڄی نه سگھی:

They were trapped in the burning building

ھو ٻرندڙ عمارت ۾ ڦاسی پیا۔

2 ڪنھن کی فریب یا چال ۾ ڦاسائڻ، دوکی سان پڪڙڻ۔

دامٍ، ڄارٍ، ڪوڙڪی، سازش:

1 جانورن کی ڦاسائڻ لاءِ وڇایل ڦندو، ڦِڙتو:

The rabbit's leg was cought in a trap

سَھی جی ٽنگ ڪوڙڪیءَ ۾ ڦاسی پئی۔

2 دوکو ڍیڻ جو پروگرام، سازش:

I knew the question was a trap, so I didn't answer it

مون کی خبر ھئی ته ھی سوال ھڪ سازش آھی، تنھن ڪری مون جواب نه ڍنو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for trap

1. n. the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise

2. n. a hazard on a golf course

3. n. a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned

4. n. a light two-wheeled carriage

5. n. a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters

6. n. drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas

7. n. informal terms for the mouth

8. n. something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares

9. v. to hold fast or prevent from moving

10. v. catch in or as if in a trap

11. v. hold or catch as if in a trap

12. v. place in a confining or embarrassing position

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