tough Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for tough

سخت، پائدار، پختو، مضبوط، جانٺو، ڍکیو:

1 جیڪو سولائیءَ سان نه ڀڄی ۽ نه ڦاٽی، پڪو:

Leather is tougher than paper

چمڙو ڪاغذ کان پڪو آھی۔

2 ڍکیو، ڪٺن:

This is a tough job

ھی ڍاڍو ڌکیو ڪم آھی۔

3 سخت، گھٽ رڌل۔

ٍ­ ضد:

tender (ڳریل، نرم)۔

4 جانٺو، جفاڪش:

You need to be tough to go climbing in winter

سیاری جی مند ۾ ڪوھه پیمائی ڪرڻ لاءِ سخت جان ھجڻ ضروری آھی۔

5 اصول جو پڪو یا سخت:

a tough leader

سخت لیڊر، زبردست اڳواڻ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for tough

1. a. resistant to cutting or chewing

2. a. physically toughened

3. a. not given to gentleness or sentimentality

4. n. a cruel and brutal fellow

5. n. an aggressive and violent young criminal

6. n. someone who learned to fight in the streets rather than being formally trained in the sport of boxing

7. s. feeling physical discomfort or pain (tough' is occasionally used colloquially for bad')

8. s. substantially made or constructed

9. s. making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe

10. s. very difficult; severely testing stamina or resolution

11. s. unfortunate or hard to bear

12. s. violent and lawless


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