touch Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for touch

لَمس، ڇٍھاءٍ:

1 ھٿ یا آڱر سان ڪنھن کی ڇٍھڻ:

I felt the touch of his hand on my arm

مون پنھنجی ٻانھن تی ھن جی ھٿ جو ڇھاءٍ محسوس ڪیو۔

2 ھٿ یا چمڙیءَ تی لَمس جو احساس:

He can't see, but he can read by touch

ھو ڍسی نٿو سگھی، پر ھٿ سان ڇھی پڙھی سگھی ٿو۔

be or keep in touch with somebody

ڪنھن سان لھه وچڙ ۾ اچڻ، رابطو ڪرڻ، میل میلاپ رکڻ، فون ڪرڻ، خط لکڻ:

?Are you still in touch with Kevin

ڇا تنھنجو اڃا تائین ڪیوِن سان میل میلاپ آھی؟؛

Let's keep in touch

پاڻ کی رابطی ۾ رھڻ گھرجی!

get in touch with somebody

ڪنھن سان رابطو ڪرڻ، میل میلاپ شروع ڪرڻ، فون ڪرڻ یا خط لکڻ:

I'm trying to get in touch with my cousin

آئون پنھنجی سؤٽ سان رابطو ڪرڻ جی ڪوشش ڪریان پیو۔

lose touch with somebody

رابطو ڇڄی پوڻ؛

ملاقات، فون یا خط وغیره جو سلسلو ٽٽی پوڻ:

I've lost touch with all my old friends from school

اسڪول جی سمورن پراڻن دوستن سان منھنجو رابطو ٽٽی ویو آھی۔

ڇٍھَڻ، ھٿ لائڻ:

1 ھٿ یا آڱر سان ڇٍھڻ:

Don't touch the paint - it's still wet

رنگ کی ھٿ نه لاءِ، اھو اڃا آلو آھی؛

He touched me on the arm

ھن منھنجی ٻانھن کی ھٿ لاتو۔

2 ایڍو ویجھو ٿیڻ جو ڪا وٿی نه رھی:

The two wires were touching

ٻئی تارون ھڪ ٻئی سان ملی رھیون ھیون۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for touch

1. n. the act of putting two things together with no space between them

2. n. a distinguishing style

3. n. the feel of mechanical action

4. n. deftness in handling matters

5. n. the faculty by which external objects or forces are perceived through contact with the body (especially the hands)

6. n. the sensation produced by pressure receptors in the skin

7. n. a suggestion of some quality

8. n. the act of soliciting money (as a gift or loan)

9. n. a communicative interaction

10. n. the event of something coming in contact with the body

11. n. a slight but appreciable addition

12. n. a slight attack of illness

13. v. have an effect upon

14. v. color lightly

15. v. comprehend

16. v. make a more or less disguised reference to

17. v. consume

18. v. be in direct physical contact with; make contact

19. v. make physical contact with, come in contact with

20. v. cause to be in brief contact with

21. v. tamper with

22. v. affect emotionally

23. v. perceive via the tactile sense

24. v. deal with; usually used with a form of negation

25. v. be equal to in quality or ability

26. v. have to do with or be relevant to

27. v. to extend as far as


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