thin Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for thin

سنھو، ڇڊو، پَترو، اَڀرو، ڍٻرو، ھلڪو؛

1 گھٽ ٿولھه وارو:

The walls in this house are very thin

ھن گھر جون ڀتیون ڍاڍیون سنھیون آھن؛

I cut the bread into thin slices

مون ڊبل روٽیءَ جا سنھڙا ڳترا ڪیا۔

2 جیڪو ٿلھو نه ھجی:

He's tall and thin

ھو ڊگھو ۽ سنھڙو آھی۔

3 ڇڊو، پترو، کِنگھو، وَھڻ ۾ سولو:

The soup was very thin

شوروو تمام ڇڊو ھو۔

ٍ­ ضد:

thick (گھاٽو)۔

4 ڇڊو، گھاٽو نه:

My father's hair is getting thin

منھنجی پیءٍ جا وارَ ڇڊا ٿیندا پیا وڃن۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for thin

1. a. lacking excess flesh

2. a. (of sound) lacking resonance or volume

3. a. of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section

4. a. relatively thin in consistency or low in density; not viscous

5. r. without viscosity

6. s. not dense

7. s. very narrow

8. s. lacking spirit or sincere effort

9. s. having little substance or significance

10. v. take off weight

11. v. lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture

12. v. make thin or thinner

13. v. lose thickness; become thin or thinner


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