then Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for then

تڍھن، تنھن مھل:

1 ان مھل:

I became a teacher in 1989. I lived in Bristol then, but now I live in London

مان 1989 ۾ ماسٽر ٿی ویس ۽ ان مھل برسٽل ۾ رھندو ھئس، پر اڄ ڪلھه لنڊن ۾ آھیان۔

2 ان کان پوءِ:

We had dinner and then did the washing- up

اسان رات جی مانی کاڌی ۽ پوءِ ٿانوَ ڌوتا۔

3 ته پوءِ، جیڪڍھن اھو درست آھی:

?'I don't feel well.' 'Then why don't you go to the doctor's'

”منھنجی طبعیت ٺیڪ ناھی۔“، ”جیڪڍھن اھا ڳالھه آھی ته ڊاڪٽر ڍی ڇو نٿو وڃین“؟

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for then

1. n. that time; that moment

2. r. subsequently or soon afterward (often used as sentence connectors)

3. r. at that time

4. r. in that case or as a consequence

5. s. at a specific prior time

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