tear Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for tear

ڦاڙڻ، چیرڻ، ڍارڻ:

1 ڇڪی ڦاڙڻ:

She tore her dress on a nail

ھن جی پوشاڪ ڪوڪی ۾ ڦاسی ڦاٽی پئی۔

2 ڪنھن شخص ھٿان یا ڪنھن شَیٔ سان ڪا شَیٔ تڪڙ ۾ ڇڪی وٺڻ:

I tore a page out of the book

مون ڪتاب مان ورق ڦاڙیو۔

3 ڦاٽڻ، ٽڪرا ٿیڻ:

Paper tears easily

پنو سولائی سان ڦاٽی ٿو۔

4 تڪڙو ڀڄڻ:

He tore down the street

ھو تڪڙ ۾ سڙڪ تی وٺی ڀڳو۔

tear up

ڦاڙی ٽڪرا ڪرڻ:

I tore the letter up and threw it away

مون خط ڦاڙی ٽڪرا ٽڪرا ڪری ڇڍیو ۽ ڦٽی ڪیو۔

ڳوڙھو، لٍڙڪٍ، روئڻ مھل اک مان وھندڙ پاڻیءَ ڦڙو۔

be in tears

روئڻ، ڳوڙھا ڳاڙڻ، لڙڪ وھائڻ، ھنجون ھارڻ:

I was in tears at the end of the film

فلم جی آخر ۾ مان رنس پئی۔

burst into tears

اوچتو روئڻ لڳڻ:

He read the letter and burst into tears

ھن خط پڙھیو ۽ اوچتو روئڻ ۾ ڇٍٽڪیو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for tear

1. n. the act of tearing

2. n. an occasion for excessive eating or drinking

3. n. a drop of the clear salty saline solution secreted by the lacrimal glands

4. n. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart

5. v. fill with tears or shed tears

6. v. strip of feathers

7. v. to separate or be separated by force

8. v. separate or cause to separate abruptly

9. v. move quickly and violently


Synonyms and Antonyms for tear

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