sweet Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for sweet


1 چاڪلیٽ ۽ ٽافیون مٺائی آھن:

He bought a packet of sweets for the children

ھن ٻارن لاءِ کٽمٺن جو ھڪ پاڪیٽ خرید ڪیو۔

2 مٺو (حلوو، پڊنگ، کیر) جیڪو مانیءَ بعد کائبو آھی:

?Do you want any sweet

توھان کی مٺو کپی؟


کنڊ جی ذائقی جو:

Honey is sweet

ماکی مٺی آھی۔

2 خوبصورت، وڻندڙ:

!What a sweet little girl

ڪیڍی پیاری ننڍڙی ڇوڪری آھی!

3 مھربان ۽ رحمدل:

It was sweet of you to help me

تنھنجی وڍی مھربانی جو تو منھنجی مدد ڪئی۔

4 سٺی خوشبوءِ:

the sweet smell of roses

گلابن جی مٺی خوشبوءِ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary










English definition for sweet

1. a. not containing or composed of salt water

2. a. (used of wines) having a high residual sugar content

3. a. having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar

4. n. the property of tasting as if it contains sugar

5. n. the taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth

6. n. a food rich in sugar

7. n. a dish served as the last course of a meal

8. n. English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912)

9. r. in an affectionate or loving manner (sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of sweetly')

10. s. not soured or preserved

11. s. having a natural fragrance

12. s. having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub

13. s. pleasing to the ear

14. s. pleasing to the mind or feeling

15. s. pleasing to the senses

16. s. with sweetening added


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