stump Meaning and Definition

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary





پنسل کا ٹکڑا

pencil ka tukra

سگار کا ٹکڑا

cigar ka tukra

پرانا برش

purana brush

چھوٹا بیلن

chhota belan

کھلاڑی کو وکٹ میں گیند مار کر آوٹ کردینا

khilari ko wicket mein gaind maar kar out kar dena

چکرا دینا

chakra dena

مطالبہ ادا کردینا

mutaalba ada kar dena

کوتاہ قد

kotah qad


English definition for stump

1. n. a platform raised above the surrounding level to give prominence to the person on it

2. n. (cricket) any of three upright wooden posts that form the wicket

3. n. the part of a limb or tooth that remains after the rest is removed

4. n. the base part of a tree that remains standing after the tree has been felled

5. v. remove tree stumps from

6. v. cause to be perplexed or confounded

7. v. travel through a district and make political speeches

8. v. walk heavily


Synonyms and Antonyms for stump

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