stay Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for stay

مختصر قیام:

?Did you enjoy your stay in London

ڇا توھان کی لنڊن ۾ قیام جو لطف آیو؟

ترسڻ، ٽِڪڻ، رٍڪجڻ:

1 ھڪ ئی جاءِ تی بیھڻ، اڳتی نه وڌڻ:

Stay here until I come back

آئون جیستائین واپس نه اچان، ھتی ترسجانءِ۔

2 بنا تبدیلیءَ جی ھڪ ئی انداز قائم رکڻ:

I tried to stay awake

مون سجاڳ رھڻ جی ڪوشش ڪئی۔

3 ڪٿی عارضی طور ترسڻ:

I stayed with my friend in Dublin

آئون ڊبلن ۾ پنھنجی دوست وٽ ترسیس۔

stay behind

ٻین جی وڃڻ بعد ڪنھن جاءِ تی ترسڻ:

The teacher asked me to stay behind after the lesson

استاد مونکی چیو ته سبق ختم ٿیڻ بعد ترسی پئه۔

stay in

گھر ۾ رھڻ، ٻاھر نه وڃڻ:

I'm staying in this everning because I am tired

آئون اڄ شام گھر رھندس ڇو ته ڍاڍو ٿڪل آھیان۔

stay up

جاڳندو رھڻ:

We stayed up until after midnight

اسان اڌ رات کان پوءِ تائین جاڳندا رھیاسین۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for stay

1. n. continuing or remaining in a place or state

2. n. (nautical) brace consisting of a heavy rope or wire cable used as a support for a mast or spar

3. n. a thin strip of metal or bone that is used to stiffen a garment (e.g. a corset)

4. n. a judicial order forbidding some action until an event occurs or the order is lifted

5. n. the state of inactivity following an interruption

6. v. stay the same; remain in a certain state

7. v. stop or halt

8. v. overcome or allay

9. v. fasten with stays

10. v. stay put (in a certain place)

11. v. remain behind

12. v. stop a judicial process

13. v. hang on during a trial of endurance

14. v. dwell

15. v. continue in a place, position, or situation

16. v. stay behind


Synonyms and Antonyms for stay

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