shade Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for shade

ڇانوَ ڪرڻ، پاڇو ڪرڻ:

He shaded his eyes with his hand

ھن ھٿن سان پنھنجی اکین تی ڇانوَ ڪئی۔


1 (no pl) ٿڌی ۽ اونداھی جاءِ، ڇانوَ، ڇانورو:

We sat in the shade of a big tree

اسین ھڪ وڍی وڻ جی پاڇی ۾ ویھی رھیاسین۔

2 (pl. shades) شیڊ، ڇپرو، ڇانورو، آڍ؛

تیز روشنی روڪیندڙ شیٔ:

I bought a new shade for the lamp

مون لیمپ لاءِ نئون شیڊ خرید ڪیو۔

3 (pl. shades) شیڊ؛

رنگ جو گھرو یا ھلڪو وَرن:

I'm looking for a shirt in a darker shade of green

مان گھری سائی رنگ جی قمیص ڳولی رھیو آھیان۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for shade

1. n. protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight

2. n. a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)

3. n. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from a primary color

4. n. a mental representation of some haunting experience

5. n. a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude

6. n. a slight amount or degree of difference

7. n. a position of relative inferiority

8. n. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body

9. v. protect from light, heat, or view

10. v. represent the effect of shade or shadow on

11. v. cast a shadow over


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