sensitive Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for sensitive

1 حساس، جلد متاثر ٿیٺندڙ ، جذباتی :جلد فکرمند ۽ اداس ٿیٺندڙ :

Don't say anything bad about her work - she's very sensitive about it

سندس کم بابت کا خراب ڳالھه نه چئو ، ھوءَ ان معاملی ۾ ڍاڍی حساس آھی ٍ­ضد: insensitive (بی حس ).

2 ٻین جی احساس ۽ جذبن کی سمجھندڙ ، لحاظی:

He's a very sensitive man

ھونھایت لحاظی ماڻھو آھی ٍ­ضد:insensitive (بیحس، نبی لحاظ ).

3 حساس ، نازک ، جلد متاثر ٿیندڙ :

sensitive skin

حساس چمڙی ۔


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Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for sensitive

1. a. able to feel or perceive

2. a. responsive to physical stimuli

3. a. being susceptible to the attitudes, feelings, or circumstances of others

4. n. someone who serves as an intermediary between the living and the dead

5. s. of or pertaining to classified information or matters affecting national security

6. s. hurting

All in One

Senso is a 1954 melodrama film, an adaptation of Camillo Boito's Italian novella Senso by the Italian director Luchino Visconti, with Alida Valli as Livia Serpieri and Farley Granger as Lieutenant Franz Mahler.
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