reverse Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for reverse

پوئتی، پٺتی، پویان، متضاد؛

ڪنھن شَیٔ جی پٍٺ یا اٍبتو رخ۔

in reverse

اٍبتی نمونی؛

پڇاڙی کان شروع ڪرڻ ۽ شروعات تی ختم ڪرڻ.

پٺتی ٿیڻ، پویان ڦرڻ:

1 گاڍی پوئتی ڪرڻ:

I reversed the car into the garage

مون موٽرڪار پوئتی ڪری گیراج اندر ڪئی۔

2 ڪنھن شَیٔ جو رخ ڦیرائڻ، ابتو ڪرڻ:

Writing is reversed in a mirror

آرسی ۾ لکت اٍبتی نظر ایندی آھی۔

reverse the charges

ٽیلیفون ڪال جنھن جا پئسا فون ٻڌندڙ ڀری۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary


اُتھل / اُبتڑ


English definition for reverse

1. a. of the transmission gear causing backward movement in a motor vehicle

2. n. turning in the opposite direction

3. n. (American football) a running play in which a back running in one direction hands the ball to a back running in the opposite direction

4. n. the gears by which the motion of a machine can be reversed

5. n. the side of a coin or medal that does not bear the principal design

6. n. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes; something that is thwarting or frustrating

7. n. a relation of direct opposition

8. s. reversed (turned backward) in order or nature or effect

9. s. directed or moving toward the rear

10. v. change to the contrary

11. v. turn inside out or upside down

12. v. rule against

13. v. annul by recalling or rescinding


Synonyms and Antonyms for reverse

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