result Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for result

نتیجو نڪرڻ؛

result in something

ڪنھن واقعی جی نتیجی ۾ ڪا ڳالھه ٿیڻ:

The accident resulted in the death of two drivers

حادثی جی نتیجی ۾ ٻه ڊرائیور فوت ٿی ویا۔


1 ڦل؛

ڪنھن واقعی سبب پیدا ٿیندڙ صورتحال یا حالتون:

The accident was a result of bad driving

حادثو خراب ڊرائیونگ جو نتیجو ھو۔

2 راند؛

مقابلی یا امتحان وغیره جی پڄاڻی تی سامھون ایندڙ صورتحال:

?When will you know your exam result

تنھنجی امتحان جی نتیجی جی خبر ڪڍھن پوندی؟

as a result

نتیجی ۾، سببان، ڪنھن سبب جی ڪری:

I got up late, and as a result I missed the train

آئون دیر سان سجاڳ ٿیس، تنھنڪری منھنجی ٽرین نڪری وئی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary


انجام/خاتمو/ انت/نتیجو






English definition for result

1. n. the semantic role of the noun phrase whose referent exists only by virtue of the activity denoted by the verb in the clause

2. n. a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

3. n. something that results

4. n. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

5. v. issue or terminate (in a specified way, state, etc.); end

6. v. have as a result or residue

All in One

A result (also called upshot) is the final consequence of a sequence of actions or events expressed qualitatively or quantitatively.
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