quarter Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for quarter

1 چوٿون حصو (ڪنھن شَیٔ جی ھڪجھڙن چئن حصن مان ڪو) چوٿون، چوٿائی، پاءٍ، ھڪ ڀاڱی چار:

mile and a quarter

سوا میل؛

The film starts in three-quarters of an hour

فلم مٍنی ڪلاڪ ۾ شروع ٿیندی۔

2 ٽن مھینن جو مدو، ھر ٽئین مھینی:

you get a telephone bill every quarter

توھان کی ٽیلیفون جو بل ھر ٽئین مھینی ملندو آھی۔

3 پاڙو، ویڙھو، شھر جو ڪو خاص علائقو؛

the student quarter

شاگردن جو پاڙو۔

a) quarter past)

ھر ڪلاڪ کانپوءِ وڌیڪ پندرھن منٽ، سَوا:

It's quarter past two

ھن وقت سوا ٻه ٿیا آھن۔

ٍ­ امیریڪی انگریزیءَ ۾ a quarter after چیو ویندو آھی:

It's a quarter after seven

سوا ست ٿیا آھن۔

a) quarter to)

ھڪ ڪلاڪ ۾ پندرھن منٽ، گھٽ، مٍنو یا پوڻا:

quarter to nine

پوڻا نوَ۔

ٍ­ امیریڪی انگریزیءَ ۾ چیو ویندو آھی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for quarter

1. n. clemency or mercy shown to a defeated opponent

2. n. piece of leather that comprises the part of a shoe or boot covering the heel and joining the vamp

3. n. the rear part of a ship

4. n. a district of a city having some distinguishing character

5. n. an unspecified person

6. n. a United States coin worth one fourth of a dollar

7. n. a quarter of a hundredweight (28 pounds)

8. n. a quarter of a hundredweight (25 pounds)

9. n. one of four equal parts

10. n. one of the four major division of the compass

11. n. a fourth part of a year; three months

12. n. one of four periods into which the school year is divided

13. n. a unit of time equal to 15 minutes or a quarter of an hour

14. n. one of four periods of play into which some games are divided

15. v. divide by four; divide into quarters

16. v. divide into quarters

17. v. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him

18. v. provide housing for (military personnel)

All in One

A quarter is one-fourth, 1⁄4, 25% or 0.25 and may refer to:
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