past Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for past

1 کلاک کانپوء گذریل منٽ ٻڌائیندڙ لفظ :

It's two nimutes past four

ڇار وڄی ٻه منٽ ٿیا احن:

It's half past seve

ساڍا ست وڳا آھن (ڍسو: صفحو 171 ).

2 کنھن فرد یا شَیٔ جی ھک پاسی کان ٻئی پاسی تائین وٽان ، ڀرسان :

Go past the cinema , then turn left

سئنیما جی ڀر مان لنگھی کٻی ھٿ تی مڙی وڃ:

the bus went past without stopping

بس بیھڻ بنا لنگھی وئی ۔

1 گذریل ،ماضی ءَ جو :

We will for get your past mistakes

اسان تنھنجی ماضیءَ جون غلطیون وساری ڇڍ یندا سین ۔

2 پویون ، ٿی ویل :

He has been ill for the past week

ھوپوئین ھفتی کان بیمار آھی،

1 ماضی، گزریل وقت جون حالتون ۽ واقعا:

We learn about the past in history lessons

اسان تاریخ جی ورقن مان ماضی ءَ بابت ڄاڻ حآصل کندا آھیون:

in the past many people had large families

ماضی ءَ ۾ کیترن ئی ماڻھن جا کٽنب وڍا ھو ندا ھئا ۔

2 (past tense به ) زمان ماضی،گذریل وقت ٻڌائیندڙ فعل جی صورت :

the past tense of the verb go is we



جو ماضی


آھی (ڍسو: لفظ present (حال) ۽ fauture (مستقبل ) به ).

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary








English definition for past

1. a. earlier than the present time; no longer current

2. a. a verb tense or other construction referring to events or states that existed at some previous time

3. n. a verb tense that expresses actions or states in the past

4. n. the time that has elapsed

5. n. a earlier period in someone's life (especially one that they have reason to keep secret)

6. r. so as to pass a given point

7. s. of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office

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The past is a term used to indicate the totality of events which occurred before a given point in time.
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