narrow Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for narrow

سوڙھو، تنگ، ننڍی موڪر وارو:

The road was too narrow for two cars to pass

ٻن ڪارن جی لنگھڻ لاءِ ھی رستو ڍاڍو سوڙھو ھو۔

ٍ­ ضد:

wide or broad (ویڪرو)۔

have a narrow escape

ذری گھٽ بچی وڃڻ، حادثی یا مصیبت مان عین وقت تی بچڻ:

You had a very narrow escape - your car nearly hit a tree

تون ذری گھٽ بچی وئین، تنھنجی ڪار وڻ سان ٽڪرائیندی ٽڪرائیندی رھجی وئی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for narrow

1. a. lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view

2. a. not wide

3. a. very limited in degree

4. n. a narrow strait connecting two bodies of water

5. s. characterized by painstaking care and detailed examination

6. s. limited in size or scope

7. v. become tight or as if tight

8. v. make or become more narrow or restricted

9. v. become more special

10. v. define clearly


Synonyms and Antonyms for narrow

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