mean Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for mean

1 ڪنجوس؛

ٻین تی پئسا خرچ نه ڪندڙ:

Jim is very mean - he never buys anybody a drink

جم ڍاڍو ڪنجوس آھی؛ ھو ڪڍھن به ڪنھن کی پاڻ ڪجھه نه پیئاریندو آھی۔

ٍ­ ضد:

generous (سخی)۔

2 بی رحم، نیچ، ڪمیڻو:

It was mean of you to say that Peter was fat

تو پیٽر کی ٿلھو چئی ڪمیڻپائی ڪئی۔

معنٰی ھئڻ:

1 مختلف انداز ۾ بیان ڪرڻ یا ڍیکارڻ، معنٰی رکڻ:

?What does 'medicine' mean

”طب“ جی معنٰی ڇا آھی؟؛

The red light means that you have to stop here

ڳاڙھی بتیءَ جو مطلب آھی ته توھان کی ھتی بیھڻو آھی۔

2 ڪجھه چوڻ جو ارادو ڪرڻ یا گٍھرڻ:

'She said 'yes' but she really meant 'no

ھن ”ھا“ چیو پر اصل ۾ ھن جو مطلب ھو ”نه“۔

3 ڪنھن ڪم جو ارادو یا خواھش:

I didn't mean to hurt you

مون توکی تڪلیف ڍیڻ نه پئی گھری۔

4 سبب یا ڪارڻ بڻجڻ:

This snow means there will be no sport today

ھن برف باری جو مطلب ته اڄ راند نه ٿیندی۔

be meant to

1 ضروری یا لازمی ھئڻ:

You're not meant to smoke on the train

توھان کی ریل گاڍیءَ ۾ سگریٽ نه ڇڪڻ گھرجی۔

2 ڪا شَیٔ حقیقت ۾ به ائین ئی ھئڻ جیئن مشھور ھجی:

This is meant to be a good film

ھیءَ فلم سٺی ھئڻ گھرجی۔

mean something to somebody

ڪنھن لاءِ (ڪنھن شَیٔ جو) اھم ھئڻ:

My family means a lot to me

منھنجو ڪٽنب منھنجی لاءِ ڍاڍو اھم آھی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary












گھٹ ذات




گھٹ درجی جو






English definition for mean

1. n. an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n

2. s. of no value or worth

3. s. (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt

4. s. (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity

5. s. characterized by malice

6. s. having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality

7. s. approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value

8. s. marked by poverty befitting a beggar

9. s. excellent

10. v. have in mind as a purpose

11. v. destine or designate for a certain purpose

12. v. intend to refer to

13. v. denote or connote

14. v. mean or intend to express or convey

15. v. have as a logical consequence

16. v. have a specified degree of importance

All in One

In mathematics, mean has several different definitions depending on the context.
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