matter Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for matter

اھمیت رکڻ، فرق پوڻ:

It doesn't matter if you're late - we'll wait for you

جیڪڍھن توکی دیر ٿی ویئی ته ڪو فرق نه پوندو، اسان تنھنجو انتظار ڪنداسین۔

معاملو، ڳالھه؛

جنھن بابت ڳالھائڻ یا ڪاروائی ڪرڻ ضروری ھجی:

There is a matter I would like to discuss with you

ھڪ اھڙو معاملو آھی جنھن تی مان توسان ڳالھائڻ گھران ٿو۔

as a matter of fact

اصل ڳالھا آھا آھی:

I'm going home early today. As a matter of fact, it's my birthday

آئون اڄ جلدی گھر پیو وڃان، اصل ڳالھه اھا آھی ته اڄ منھنجی سالگرھه آھی۔

be the matter with somebody or something

مصیبت پیش اچڻ جو ڪارڻ:

?Julie is crying. What's the matter with her

جولی روئی پئی، ھن کی ڇا ٿیو آھی؟

no matter how, what, when who, etc

ڪنھن به طرح سان، ڪیئن به ڪری، ڀلی ڇا به ٿی پوی، چاھی ڪیر به ھجی وغیره۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






وھندھوکم کار/معاملو


English definition for matter

1. n. that which has mass and occupies space

2. n. (used with negation) having consequence

3. n. a vaguely specified concern

4. n. a problem

5. n. some situation or event that is thought about

6. n. written works (especially in books or magazines)

7. v. have weight; have import, carry weight

All in One

In the classical physics observed in everyday life, matter can be defined as any substance that has mass and takes up space, or as any substance made up of atoms, thus excluding other energy phenomena or waves such as light or sound.
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