line Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for line

1 لائین ۾ بیھڻ، قطار ٺاھڻ:

People lined the street to watch the race

ڊوڙ ڍسڻ لاءِ ماڻھو سڙڪ سان گڍو گڍ قطار ٺاھی بیٺا۔

2 استر، ڪنھن شَیٔ اندر ٻی شَیٔ جو تھه یا استر ڍیڻ:

The boots are lined with fur

بوٽن ۾ فر جو استر لڳل آھی۔

line up

قطار ۾ بیھڻ یا قطار ٺاھڻ:

We lined up to buy tickets

اسان ٽڪیٽ وٺڻ لاءِ قطار ٺاھی۔

1 لیڪ، سنڌو:

Draw a straight line

سِڌی لیڪ پاءِ؛

Two yellow lines at the side of the road mean that you can't park there

سڙڪ ڪناری لڳ ٻن پیلین لیڪن جو مطلب آھی ته ان ھنڌ گاڍی بیھارڻ جی منع آھی۔

2 قطار، ماڻھن یا شین جو ھڪٻئی پٺیان ھئڻ:

Stand in a line

قطار ۾ بیھو۔

3 سِٽَ، صفحی جی ھڪ سٽ ۾ ھڪ ٻئی پٺیان لکیل لفظ:

?How many lines are there on this page

ھن صفحی ۾ گھڻیون سٽون آھن؟

4 رسیءَ یا ڍوریءَ جو ڊگھو حصو:

Hang the washing on the line to dry

ڌوتل ڪپڙا سٍڪائڻ لاءِ رسیءَ تی ٽنگی ڇڍ۔

5 ٽرین جی پٽڙی۔

6 بجلی یا ٽیلیفون جی تارَ:

I tried to phone him but the lines was busy

مون ھن کی ٽیلیفون ڪرڻ جی ڪوشش ڪئی پر فون جی لائین مصروف ھئی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for line

1. n. the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money

2. n. acting in conformity

3. n. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power

4. n. something (as a cord or rope) that is long and thin and flexible

5. n. the road consisting of railroad track and roadbed

6. n. a commercial organization serving as a common carrier

7. n. a particular kind of product or merchandise

8. n. a pipe used to transport liquids or gases

9. n. mechanical system in a factory whereby an article is conveyed through sites at which successive operations are performed on it

10. n. a telephone connection

11. n. a conceptual separation or distinction

12. n. the methodical process of logical reasoning

13. n. (often plural) a means of communication or access

14. n. a short personal letter

15. n. a mark that is long relative to its width

16. n. text consisting of a row of words written across a page or computer screen

17. n. a succession of notes forming a distinctive sequence

18. n. the descendants of one individual

19. n. a connected series of events or actions or developments

20. n. a formation of people or things one behind another

21. n. a formation of people or things one beside another

22. n. a spatial location defined by a real or imaginary unidimensional extent

23. n. in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area

24. n. a fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)

25. n. a single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum

26. n. the maximum credit that a customer is allowed

27. n. space for one line of print (one column wide and 1/14 inch deep) used to measure advertising

28. n. a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point

29. n. a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface

30. v. reinforce with fabric

31. v. fill plentifully

32. v. cover the interior of

33. v. mark with lines

34. v. make a mark or lines on a surface

35. v. be in line with; form a line along

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