left Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for left

کٻو، کاٻو، الٽو:

The house is on your left

گھر تنھنجی کاٻی پاسی آھی۔

کٻو، سڄی جو ضد:

Turn left at the church

چرچ وٽان کٻی پاسی مٍڙی وڃ؛

My left leg hurts

منھنجی کٻی ٽنگ ڍکی پئی۔

فعل 'leave' جو زمان ماضی ۽ اسم مفعول۔

be left

وڍی ڀاڱی جو ختم ٿیڻ بعد ننڍڙو حصو باقی بچڻ:

There is only a small piece of cake left

ڪیڪ جو فقط ھڪ ننڍڙو ٽڪرو باقی بچیو آھی۔

کٻو، سڄی جو :ضد:

Turn left at the church

چرچ وٽان کی پاسی مٍڙی وڃ:

In britain we drive on the left

برطانیه ۾ اسان کٻی ھٿ تی گاڍی ھلائیندا آھیون۔

فعل leave جو زمان ماضی ۽ اسم مفعول۔

be left

وڍی ڀاڱی جی ختم ٿیڻ بعد ننڍڙو حصو باقی بچڻ :

There is only a small picece of cake left

کیک جو فقط ھک ننڍڙو ٽکرو باقی بچیو آھی ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for left

1. a. of or belonging to the political or intellectual left

2. a. being or located on or directed toward the side of the body to the west when facing north

3. n. a turn toward the side of the body that is on the north when the person is facing east

4. n. the piece of ground in the outfield on the catcher's left

5. n. the hand that is on the left side of the body

6. n. those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare

7. n. location near or direction toward the left side; i.e. the side to the north when a person or object faces east

8. r. toward or on the left; also used figuratively

9. s. not used up

10. s. intended for the left hand

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