large Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for large

وڍَ، کشادو:

They live in a large house

ھو ھک وڍی گھر ۾ رھندا آحن :

She has a large family

ھن جو کٽنب وڍو گھر ۾ رھندا آھن :

She has a large family

ھن جو کتنب وڍو آحی :

?Have you got this shirt in a large size

ڇا تووٽ اھڙی قمیص وڍی سائیز ۾ آھی ؟ٍ­ ضد:

(small ننڍو) (ڍسو: تصویر صفحی 272 تی ).

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for large

1. a. above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent

2. n. a garment size for a large person

3. r. in a boastful manner

4. r. with the wind abaft the beam

5. r. at a distance, wide of something (as of a mark)

6. s. ostentatiously lofty in style

7. s. fairly large or important in effect; influential

8. s. in an advanced stage of pregnancy

9. s. having broad power and range and scope

10. s. conspicuous in position or importance

11. s. generous and understanding and tolerant

All in One

Large means of great size.
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