hard Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for hard

1 تمام گھڻو۔ سخت :

She works very hard

ھوءَ ڍاڍی محنت کری ٿی :

You must try harder

توھان کی وڌیک کوشش کرڻ گھر جی ۔

2 زور سان :

It's raining hard

زور دار مینھن وسی رھیو آھی :

She git him hard

ھٍن کیس زور سان ڌک ھنیو ۔

سخت ، ٺوس :

1 جیکو نرم نه ھجی :

These apples are very hard

ھِی صوف تمام سخت آھن:

I couldn't sleep because the bed was too hard

آئون سمھی نه سگھیس ڇوته بسترو تمام سخت ھو ٍ­ضد: soft (نرم )(ڍسو: تصویر صفحی 273 تی ).

2 مشکل، سخت، ڍکیو، کرڻ یا سمجھڻ ۾ مشکل :

exam was very hard

امتحان تمام ڍکیو ھو:

hard work

سخت محنت (ڍسو: لفظ easy )

3 مشکلات سان ڀرپور، مصیبتن ۽ مسئلن سان پٍر :

He's had a hard life

ھٍن جی زندگی سخت گزری آھی ؟

4 نرمی نه کندڙ :

She is very hard on her children

ھٍوءَ پنھنجی ٻارن تی گھڻی سختی کری ٿی ۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary










English definition for hard

1. a. not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure

2. a. resisting weight or pressure

3. a. dispassionate

4. a. (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward or touching the velum

5. a. (of light) transmitted directly from a pointed light source

6. a. produced without vibration of the vocal cords

7. r. with effort or force or vigor

8. r. to the full extent possible; all the way

9. r. slowly and with difficulty

10. r. causing great damage or hardship

11. r. with firmness

12. r. earnestly or intently

13. r. with pain or distress or bitterness

14. r. very near or close in space or time

15. r. into a solid condition

16. r. indulging excessively

17. s. being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content

18. s. given to excessive indulgence of bodily appetites especially for intoxicating liquors

19. s. characterized by toilsome effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort

20. s. dried out

21. s. unfortunate or hard to bear

22. s. very strong or vigorous

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