great Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for great

وڍو، عظیم :

1 تمام وڍو یا تمام گھڻو:

It's a great pleasure to meet you

توھان سان ملی ڍاڍی خوشی ٿی ۔

2 اھم یا خاص :

Einstein was a great scientist

آئنسٽائین عظیم ساینسدان ھو ۔

3 گھڻو، گھڻو سٺو:

THey are great friends

اٍھی تمام سٺادوست آھن :

There's a great big dog in the garden

باغ ۾ ھک تمام وڍو کتو آھی

4 زبردست، تمام سٺو ، تمام ڀلو :

I had a great weekend

مون ھفتیوار موکل تمام ڀلی گذاری :

It's great to see you

توسان ملی تمام سٺو لڳو:

a great many

گھڻا کوڙ ، ججھا:

He knows a reat many people

ھوکرڙ سارن ماڻھن کی سڃاڻی ٿو :

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary








English definition for great

1. n. a person who has achieved distinction and honor in some field

2. s. in an advanced stage of pregnancy

3. s. marked by active interest and enthusiasm

4. s. very good

5. s. of major significance or importance

6. s. relatively large in size or number or extent; larger than others of its kind

7. s. uppercase

8. s. remarkable or out of the ordinary in degree or magnitude or effect

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