fair Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for fair

انصاف پسند : انصاف پسندی ءَ تی ٻڌل ، سڀنی لا ءِ برابر:a fair judge: انصاف پسند منصف: It's not fair! I have to go to bed but you can stay up and watch TV! اھو ته انصاف نه آھی جو آئون وڃی سمھان ۽ تون اتی ویھی ٽی وی ڍسین ۔ضدٍ­unfair (غیر منصفاڻو).2 ھلکو یا ڀورو رنگ: He's got fair hair fair-haired ھو ڀورن وارن وارو آھیٍ­ ضد: black (کارو) 3 چگو خاصو:They've invited a fair numbers of people to their party ھنن پنھنجی دعوت ۾ کوڙ سارن ماڻھن کی گٍھرایو آھی۔4 وڻندڙ موسم :fair weather سٍٺی مند۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for fair

1. a. (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines

2. a. free from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming with established standards or rules

3. a. showing lack of favoritism

4. n. a traveling show; having sideshows and rides and games of skill etc.

5. n. a sale of miscellany; often for charity

6. n. a competitive exhibition of farm products

7. n. gathering of producers to promote business

8. r. without favoring one party, in a fair evenhanded manner

9. r. in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating

10. s. very pleasing to the eye

11. s. (used of hair or skin) pale or light-colored

12. s. free of clouds or rain

13. s. (of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections

14. s. attractively feminine

15. s. not excessive or extreme

16. s. lacking exceptional quality or ability

17. v. join so that the external surfaces blend smoothly

All in One

A fair (archaic: faire or fayre) is a gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities.
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