estimate Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for estimate

کاٿو، تخمینو، اندازو:

The estimate for repairing the roof was /2000 ڇت جی مرمت جو تخمینو 2000 پائو نڊ ھو۔

کٿڻ ، اندازو لڳائڻ: کنھن شیء جو مٍلھه، مقدار، قیمت ، تعداد ۽ جسامت جو اندازو ھڻڻ، کنھن کم لا ءِ گھر بل وقت جو اندازو کرڻ:The builders estimated that it would take a week to repair the roof معمارن اندازو لڳایو ته ڇت جی مرمت ۾ ھک ھفتو لڳندو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary






English definition for estimate

1. n. a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody

2. n. an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth

3. n. the respect with which a person is held

4. n. a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)

5. n. a statement indicating the likely cost of some job

6. v. judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)

7. v. judge to be probable


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