row Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for row

چَپٍوئن (oars) ذریعی ٻیڙی ھلائڻ:

We rowed across the lake

اسان ٻیڙی ھلائی ڍنڍ پار ڪئی۔

ٍ­ راند طور ٻیڙی ھلائڻ کی go rowing چئجی ٿو:

We went rowing on the river

اسین دریاھه ۾ ٻیڙی ھلائڻ ویاسین۔

قطار، لائن، صف؛

ماڻھن یا شین جی سڌائی ۾ ھئڻ واری حالت:

We sat in the front row of the theatre

اسین ٿئیٽر جی سڀ کان پھرین قطار ۾ ویٺاسین؛

a row of houses

گھرن جی قطار۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary








English definition for row

1. n. the act of rowing as a sport

2. n. (construction) a layer of masonry

3. n. a continuous chronological succession without an interruption

4. n. an angry dispute

5. n. an arrangement of objects or people side by side in a line

6. n. a linear array of numbers side by side

7. n. a long continuous strip (usually running horizontally)

8. v. propel with oars


Synonyms and Antonyms for row

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