pollard Meaning and Definition

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

درخت جس کا اوپر کا حصہ کٹا ہو

darakht jis ka oopar ka hissa kata ho



سینگ کٹا جانور

seeng kata janwar

منڈا جانور

munda janwar


English definition for pollard

1. n. a usually horned animal that as either shed its horns or had them removed

2. n. a tree with limbs cut back to promote a more bushy growth of foliage

3. v. convert into a pollard

All in One

Pollard's p − 1 algorithm is a number theoretic integer factorization algorithm, invented by John Pollard in 1974. It is a special-purpose algorithm, meaning that it is only suitable for integers with specific types of factors; it is the simplest example of an algebraic-group factorisation algorithm.
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