less Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for less

گھٽ ھئڻ، جیڪو گھڻو نه ھجی:

It rains less in summer

اونھاری ۾ برساتون گھٽ وسندیون آھن۔

گھٽ، ٿورو، گھٽ مقدار واری شَیٔ:

A poor person has less money than a rich person

امیر ماڻھوءَ جی ڀیٽ ۾ غریب ماڻھوءَ وٽ گھٽ پئسو ھوندو آھی۔

گھٽ ھئڻ ، جیکو گھڻو نه ھجی :

It rains less n summer

اونھاری ۾ بر ساتون گھٽ وسندیون آھن:

He's less intelligent than his sister

ھو پنھنجی ڀیڻ جی ڀیٽ ۾ گھٽ عقل وارو آھی (ڍسو ض لفظ least به ).

گھٽ، ٿورو، گھٽ مقدار واری شَیٔ

A poor person has less money than a rich person

امیر ماڻھوءَ جی ڀیٽ ۾ غریب ماڻھوءَ وٽ گھٽ پئسو ھوندو آھی :

I'm too fat I should eat less

آئون ۽ڍاڍو ٿلھو آھیان ، مون کی گھٽ کائڻ گھر جی (ڍسو: لفظ least به)

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for less

1. a. (comparative of little' usually used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning not as great in amount or degree

2. r. used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs

3. r. comparative of little

4. s. (nonstandard in some uses but often idiomatic with measure phrases) fewer

5. s. (usually preceded by no') lower in quality


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