fallout Urdu Meaning

Fallout - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Fallout (ریڈیائی اثرات - rediyai asraat), Total 3 meanings for Fallout , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Fallout , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

ریڈیائی اثرات

rediyai asraat

جوہری بم کے مضر اثرات

johri bomb kay muzir asraat

لڑ پڑنا

lar parna


English definition for fallout

1. n. any adverse and unwanted secondary effect

2. n. the radioactive particles that settle to the ground after a nuclear explosion


Synonyms and Antonyms for fallout

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