understand Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for understand

سمجھڻ، پٍرجھڻ، پروڙڻ:

1 مطلب ۽ مقصد سمجھڻ:

I didn't understand what the teacher said

استاد ڇا چیو، مون بلڪل نه سمجھیو؛

He doesn't understand Spanish

ھو اسپینی زبان نٿو سمجھی۔

2 ٻٍڌی سمجھڻ:

I understand that the plane from Geneva will be late

مون ٻٍڌو آی ته جنیوا کان ایندڙ ھوائی جھاز دیر سان پھچندو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for understand

1. v. know and comprehend the nature or meaning of

2. v. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally

3. v. believe to be the case

4. v. make sense of a language

5. v. be understanding of


Synonyms and Antonyms for understand

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