think Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for think

سوچڻ، خیال ڪرڻ، ویچارڻ:

1 مغز کان ڪم وٺڻ:

Think before you answer the question

سوال جو جواب ڍیڻ کان اڳ سوچیو۔

2 سمجھڻ، سوچڻ، یقین ڪرڻ:

I think it's going to rain

منھنجی خیال ۾ برسات وسڻ واری آھی؛

'Do you think Sara will come tomorrow?' 'Yes, I think so'

”تنھنجی خیال ۾ ڇا ساره سڀاڻی ایندی؟“ ”ھا منھنجو خیال اھوئی آھی“ (منھنجی خیال ۾ ھوءَ سڀاڻی ایندی)۔

think about somebody or something

1 ڪنھن شخص یا شَیٔ جی باری ۾ سوچڻ، خیال ڪرڻ۔

دماغ ۾ ویھارڻ:

I often think about that day

مان اڪثر ان ڍینھن جی باری ۾ سوچیندو آھیان۔

2 ڪو ڪم ڪرڻ جو فیصلو ڪرڻ یا ان تی ویچار ڪرڻ:

Paul is thinking about leaving his job

پال پنھنجی نوڪری ڇڍڻ جی باری ۾ سوچی رھیو آھی۔

think of somebody or something

1 ڪنھن بابت سوچڻ، ڪنھن شَیٔ جو دماغ ۾ ھئڻ:

I can't think of her name

ھن جو نالو منھنجی ذھن ۾ نٿو اچی۔

2 ڪنھن بابت راءِ قائم ڪرڻ:

?What do you think of this music

ھن موسیقیءَ جی باری ۾ تنھنجی ڪھڙی راءِ آھی؟

3 فیصلو ڪرڻ جی ڪوشش:

We're thinking of going to America

اسان امیریڪا وڃڻ جو سوچی رھیا آھیون۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for think

1. n. an instance of deliberate thinking

2. v. bring into a given condition by mental preoccupation

3. v. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection

4. v. be capable of conscious thought

5. v. use or exercise the mind or one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments

6. v. have or formulate in the mind

7. v. expect, believe, or suppose

8. v. judge or regard; look upon; judge

9. v. dispose the mind in a certain way

10. v. have in mind as a purpose

11. v. focus one's attention on a certain state

12. v. ponder; reflect on, or reason about

13. v. decide by pondering, reasoning, or reflecting

14. v. imagine or visualize


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