tete-a-tete Urdu Meaning

Tete A Tete - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Tete A Tete (راز و نیاز کی باتیں - ), Total 2 meanings for Tete A Tete , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Tete A Tete , English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

راز و نیاز کی باتیں

raaz o niaz ki baatein

تخلیے کی ملاقات

takhliye ki mulaqaat

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(تاریخ) عورتوں کے مصنوعی بال


(تاریخ) عورتوں کے مصنوعی بال


English definition for tete-a-tete

1. n. small sofa that seats two people

2. n. a private conversation between two people

3. s. involving two persons; intimately private

International Languages

Meaning for tete-a-tete found in 3 Languages.

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