summon Urdu Meaning
Summon - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Summon (طلب کرنا - talab karna), Total 4 meanings for Summon , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Summon , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.
طلب کرنا
talab karna
حاضر عدالت ہونے کا حکم دینا
haazir adalat honay ka hukum dena
ہمت دلانا
himmat dilana
Synonyms arouse ask assemble beckon beep bid call call back call for call forth call in call together call upon charge cite command conjure convene convoke direct draft draw on enjoin gather hail invite invoke mobilize motion muster order petition rally recall request ring rouse send for sign signal subpoena toll
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